

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 西乡街道 河西社区 西乡大道233号新宝盛401
  • 姓名: 杜锦勤
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:商务服务 认证服务
  • 发布日期:2022-08-11
  • 阅读量:50
  • 价格:100.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:随机
  • 产品数量:100.00 件
  • 包装说明:随机
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区西乡街道河西社区  
  • 关键词:澳大利亚更新纽扣电池认证要求







    The draft Australian mandatory safety and information standards specify requirements for consumer goods containing button and coin cell batteries and button and coin cell batteries themselves.

    The safety standard for consumer goods containing button and coin cell batteries specifies requirements for consumer goods that use/contain button/coin cell batteries to be designed to eliminate child accessibility to the button/coin cell batteries, including that the batteries shall be secure and not release the batteries during normal and foreseeable use and abuse conditions.

    The safety standard for button and coin cell batteries specifies requirements for child-resistant packaging of button and coin cell batteries.

    The information standard for consumers goods containing button and coin cell batteries specifies requirements for warnings and information on packaging, instructions and at the retail point of sale for unpackaged products.

    The information standard for button and coin cell batteries specifies requirements for warnings and information on the packaging of button and coin cell batteries and for markings on certain coin cell batteries.

    Relevant documents:

    The draft Australian mandatory safety standard for consumer goods containing button and coin cell batteries permits suppliers to comply with one of the following industry standards (or sets of industry standards) deemed to have acceptable button/coin cell battery security and compliance testing requirements.

    IEC 62368-1: 2018 Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Part 1: Safety requirements

    AS/NZS 62368.1:2018 Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Part 1: Safety requirements

    AS/NZS 60065:2018 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus-Safety requirements

    IEC 62115:2017 Electric toys – Safety – clause 13.4.1, 13.4.2, 13.4.6 and ISO 8124-1:2018 Safety of toys – Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties

    AS/NZS 62115:2018 Electric toys – Safety – clause 13.4.1, 13.4.2, 13.4.6 and AS/NZS 8124.1:2019 Safety of toys – Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties

    AS/NZS 60598.1:2017 Luminaries Part 1: General requirements and tests

    UL 4200A UL Standard for Safety for Products Incorporating Button or Coin Cell Batteries of Lithium Technologies

    The draft Australian mandatory safety standard for button and coin cell batteries permits suppliers to comply with one of the following industry standards to demonstrate that the child-resistant packaging requirements have been met.

    IEC 60086-4:2019 Primary Batteries Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries

    AS 5808-2009 Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for non-reclosable packages for non-pharmaceutical products

    EN 862:2016 Packaging - Child resistant packing - Requirements and testing procedures for non-reclosable packages for non-pharmaceutical products

    ISO 28862:2018 Packaging - Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for non-reclosable packages for non-pharmaceutical products

    AS 1928-2007 Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packages

    ISO 8317-2015 Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packages

    USA: 16 CFR §1700 Poison Prevention Packaging Standard

    The mandatory safety standard for button and coin cell batteries applies child-resistant packaging requirements that deviate from IEC 60086-4 by requiring child-resistant packaging to:

    button and coin cell batteries of lithium chemistry of all sizes

    button batteries of a chemistry other than lithium with a diameter of 16mm or above.

    The mandatory information standard for consumer goods containing button and coin cell batteries applies warning requirements that deviate from certain industry standards that specify button/coin cell battery related warning requirements by requiring that the front panel of the packaging of the consumer goods be marked with an internationally recognised safety alert symbol.

    Proposed date of adoption: The mandatory safety and information standards are subject to Australian Government consideration and approval.

    Proposed date of entry into force: The proposed requirements will be mandatory 18 months after the mandatory safety and information standards commence.
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